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Our New " Toxic Green Edition Enzo"


Toxic Green Coloured Frame , with Black Wasp Badge and Black Band Clamp Set.

Supplied With an 18/12 .60 OTT Band Set. ( For 8mm Ammo )

Good Looking Frame !


The frame is Universal , It can shoot OTT or TTF - Direct single 2050 tube set through the hole in the fork tips, or utilise our looped tube and plug kits available in our accessories setcion.


Frame specifications : Wasp Badge Faces the Shooter.

14 mm in Thickness - 89mm Fork width - 22mm Fork tips - 45mm Fork gap 128mm O/A Length

Elongated pinky hole. Target Master styling pattern - TTF Aiming dimps.



WARNING : The Manufacturer or Retailer shall NOT be held responsible or liable for any consequential, direct or indirect or special loss, damage, injury or accidents caused by the use of the Slingshot, Ammo or any other relative items that are purchased. In ALL cases the purchaser (YOU) assumes full responsibility and all risk associated with the use of our products. This product is not to be sold or purchased by anyone under 18 years of age,

Toxic Green Edition Enzo Slingshot

SKU: Toxic Edition
Colour: Toxic Green

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